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Sub CD needs to be cuffed, stuffed, used, & abused!
 Standard Member

Last Visit: Within last 3 months
Member Since: January 24, 2012

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Gender:   Man
Birthdate:   May 26, 1966
(57 years old)
Astrological Compatibility
Lives in:   Albany, Oregon, United States
Height:   6 ft 3 in / 190-193 cm
Body Type:   Average
Smoking:   I'm a non-smoker
Drinking:   I'm a light/social drinker
Drugs:   I don't use drugs
Education:   Some grad school
Race:   Caucasian
Sexual Orientation:   Bi-sexual
Speaks:   English
Hair Color:   Brown
Hair Length :   Medium
Eye Color :   Green
Glasses or Contacts :   Glasses

I think about ALT lifestyle:   All the time
Role:   Submissive
Level of Experience:   More than five years
Dress:   Drag
Social Orientation :   Extreme Liberal
Safe Sex:   Sometimes
Demeanor:   Passive

Facial Hair: None
Body Hair: Little
Male Endowment: Average/
Circumcised: Yes
Occupation: Social worker


57 year old Man in Albany, Oregon, United States Looking For: Men, Couples (man/woman), Couples (2 men), Groups or Trans

Profile for monique_assissi
I am looking to be used by a rough and aggressive man, or men. If you are a sexual predator make me your prey. I have many sub fantasies, including bondage, forced servitude, and being "turned out". [if254 1]

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